Inspiring Women at Team Rotherham

news 12 Mar 2021

Service Centre Manager Mark Cruddas talks about the vital part the women at our Rotherham depot play at delivering a world class rental experience. 

Women are an integral part of all of our teams at Sunbelt Rentals
Service Centre Manager - Mark Cruddas


Mark Cruddas Service Centre Manager at Rotherham was interviewed this week to discuss the amazing women within his team. Mark discussed the journeys of two women and the integral role they play within Sunbelt Rentals mission of delivering a world class rental experience.

"The ladies in this picture are Emily Downs and Georgia Reynolds, both Hire Controllers - a big part of our success story at our South Yorkshire Rotherham depot.

"Georgia started with us in October 2020 and is doing really well already! She has picked up our systems really quickly and is learning all about our equipment and specifications with good pace. She is very structured and makes notes of everything - she also likes to make sure she sees a task or job through.

"Emily has been with us for two years now and is currently undertaking a diploma with a view to progressing to become a Service Manager. Emily is extremely knowledgeable, has great systems and equipment knowledge, which she loves to pass on to other people within the business. I am sure she will make a great Service Manager and will certainly progress further.

Both of these ladies give the best customer service and also great technical advice - I often get fantastic comments from customers and other members of the team about both of them.
Mark Cruddas


Georgia said, “I have only recently joined the industry, and feel that I have made great progress in gaining knowledge of both plant and powered access machinery from scratch. I have enjoyed putting this new knowledge to good use when creating bookings with our customers. The team has been a great help to me since I joined by helping me develop my skills in both the computer systems and knowledge of the machinery. They are extremely supportive!”

Emily said, “When I first joined Sunbelt two years ago, I didn’t even know what half of the machines were! I was lucky to have someone to help me learn and understand each machine (thank you, Matthew Kaczmarczyk!). After being here six months Mark became the depot manager and has helped me grow as an individual, I can’t thank him enough for that. He also encouraged me to go for my diploma course to develop my skills to take over the Service Manager role.  This is an amazing opportunity”.

Mark Cruddas - Service Centre Manager Rotherham Depot for #IWD2021

Thank you Team Rotherham – we know your story will help encourage other people to join our business – especially those from outside the industry who are unsure if this is the right path for them.

You can visit our careers site at and view our current vacancies across the UK.


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