Changes to Fuel Charging

news 09 Mar 2022

Sunbelt Rentals UK & Ireland is introducing daily fuel pricing from Wednesday 9th March 2022.

The war in Ukraine has already had a significant impact on millions of lives, with people being displaced from their homes, separated from their loved ones, and suffering tragic circumstances.

A further impact has been on global fuel markets, with demand and prices soaring on a daily basis.

As a result of this volatile situation, the major fuel suppliers have suspended weekly or monthly fuel price contracts and moved to charge for fuel on a daily pricing basis.

Considering this, Sunbelt Rentals UK & Ireland is introducing daily fuel pricing from Wednesday 9th March 2022.

This means that the charged fuel rate will be the prevailing daily rate for your business on the day of delivery.

We feel that at this time - this is the most transparent and appropriate way of handling fuel charges where we could see fuel rates increasing substantially across a week or month.

This change applies to both fuels supplied with rental equipment, such as plant and powered access hired through one of our depots, as well as to any bulk fuel purchased via our central fuel desk.

All quotations will provide indicative fuel rates, and this is then amended in the final contract to reflect the actual fuel rate on the actual delivery date.

Your purchase orders should be raised using the fuel prices provided in the quote, but these will need to be amended to reflect the actual fuel price on the delivery date.

These fuel price charge changes come at the very moment we and the rest of the UK construction and rental industry are responding to the UK government's removal of the tax advantages on red diesel.

For more information on the switch from red to white fuels visit our dedicated Fuel Changes 2022 page.

We’re working hard to ensure a smooth transition for all our customers and we will provide you with updates as the fuel situation develops.

Thank you for your understanding in these unprecedented times.

If you’d like to discuss these changes further our fuel team is here to help, you can contact them on 08081 695349.

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